Many SAM employees have traveled far and wide this summer season. We are so excited to share some of their adventures below!

Many SAM employees have traveled far and wide this summer season. We are so excited to share some of their adventures below!
The Junior League of Birmingham, Alabama, is an organization of approximately 2,000 women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.
The Birmingham chapter is part of the national organization, The Junior League, which has grown into one of the oldest, largest, and most effective women’s volunteer organizations in the world. It encompasses more than 125,000 women in over 295 Leagues in four countries.
Baylee Clark completed her first year with the organization in 2022. She was double-placed as a provisional new member and was also on the Market Noel committee. “I always knew that I wanted to join the Junior League,” Baylee said. Her mother was really involved with the chapter in Montgomery. Baylee grew up going with her to meetings, and fundraisers, helping with 5Ks, going to nursing homes, and volunteering with schools.
As she shadowed her mother, Baylee saw how much she enjoyed it, and she knew she wanted to be a part of it. “It was really impactful at such a young age to see that there are issues in our community. A lot of times, you are sheltered when you are small, and you don’t realize how fortunate you are. I grew up wanting to help whenever I could, and when I moved to Birmingham, I thought it would be a perfect way to meet people and become involved in the community,” Baylee said.
This past year, Baylee was chosen for the New Member of the Year Award. Throughout the year, she and approximately 160 other new members completed a curriculum to learn more about the organization locally, nationally, and internationally. She completed research projects discussing the past 100 years of the organization and volunteered with nonprofits like Meals On Wheels and North Star Ministries.
“Shout-out to Strong for allowing us to have flexibility in our work schedules. I completed all of my shifts for Meals On Wheels during my lunch breaks, and I was able to take two hours and make up the time later thanks to our flex hours. I am really thankful to be able to do that,” Baylee said.
New members were also required to learn about the many partner agencies in the area. “We have around 150 different partner agencies. We got to learn about a lot of the nonprofits that I didn’t know existed or even needed to exist. It was a great learning opportunity,” she said. “It was so much fun, and it was awesome to be picked for the award.”
Baylee says she believes the best way to learn more about the surrounding community is to see how other people live. “It’s important to see more than just the highlights of the great city of Birmingham. We need to find what needs to be improved and discover how we can help,” she said.
Anyone who is interested in joining the JLB, please reach out to Baylee. While the class for 2023 is already closed, the fall of 2024 is accepting new members!
Gina Crane began her journey into yoga in the small town of Oneonta, Alabama. She attended classes at a local gym, and when she saw they had an open position for a yoga teacher, she signed up to teach a class. “I had loved yoga, stretching, Ayurvedic healing practices, healthy eating, and everything that’s involved with it for many years,” she said. She began teaching in a similar way to the previous instructor, but she said she felt like there was more she could give.
To enhance her skills, she signed up for a yoga teacher program through Lifetime Fitness in Vestavia. The 200-hour course spanned nine months. She spent one weekend a month doing in-person training to learn the principles of Power Vinyasa and the remaining weeks doing tasks like focusing on her diet, reading, journaling, meditation, and other community-building activities. “Coming out of that training, I felt like I was a better person, and I definitely brought more to the classroom,” she said.
Gina currently teaches a heated flow class at a nearby studio, The Yoga Circle in Southside on Mondays and Fridays at 6:00 a.m. She invites everyone in to relax, find their space on the mat, and notice how their body feels while she explains how to use the props. “I really want everyone to find their peace and leave everything else behind,” she said. “What’s most fun for me is after class, if I’ve cued any challenging poses like headstands or crow poses, some people stay behind and are still practicing them. They want to ask me where they can improve.” Because her class is an hour long, she has extra time before work to help and give tips. “Helping people is really what this is all about,” she said.
Gina also has training with Reiki. Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch. In regards to the practice, Gina said “I find that little bit of magic entertaining, but there is a lot to it. Like when you hurt yourself and you care for that wound, you can actually pray for that wound and breathe into that space. It will ease your pain, and bringing that oxygen into your blood will help you heal. For me, the healing is more about who I am becoming, and yoga is my platform to share this.”
Gina believes that yoga is not about being perfect, but it’s about being disciplined. “It’s not about having that perfect yoga pose. Yes, you want your body to feel right in the pose, but our bodies are built very differently. Your down dog won’t look like someone else’s down dog,” she said.
Gina incorporates small yoga practices into her life daily, even at her desk at work, because she says paying attention to the body and what it needs is very important. Sitting on the edge of the chair and stretching out the legs, pulling the kneecaps up, and flexing the feet is a simple routine that can be done throughout the day. “You might walk past my desk and find me with my chin to my chest, and no I’m not asleep,” she said jokingly. She is stretching her neck and vertebrae by breathing in, lengthening the spine, and exhaling to release tension. “The goal is to reset and return to your work focus.”
Through her yoga journey, the one thing Gina likes to be constantly reminded of is that self-love is not selfish. Focusing on one’s body can be a healing process, and it is definitely rewarding!
Philanthropy is an essential part of our business model at Strong. Recently, the agency donated $5,000 to Hope For Kenya, a non-profit that focuses on breaking the cycle of poverty through education. We had the opportunity to speak with Philip Coltart, Executive Director of Hope for Kenya, and he shared some illuminating insights into the organization’s mission and the impact it’s making in Kenya. Some of you may recognize Philip’s name, as he is a longtime videography partner of Strong.
Hope for Kenya is not just about providing assistance to those in need but rather breaking the cycle of poverty that many people find themselves trapped in. Through their work in Africa, the organization has determined that education is the key to achieving this goal. While clean water, food, and nutrition are vital, education offers the opportunity to shift individuals from a survival mindset to one of growth, care, and hope.
Philip emphasizes that the true hope for Kenya lies within its people, particularly the young children who have the power to change their own lives and communities through education. Hope for Kenya’s flagship project, the Joy School, serves as a haven for these children who have lost their parents and are living in challenging circumstances. The school provides not only education but also full room and board, creating a nurturing environment where the students can thrive and see a brighter future for themselves.
The impact of education goes beyond the individual student. As Philip explains, when a young child receives education and support all the way to university, they don’t simply leave their community and find a job elsewhere. Instead, they return to their families and villages, bringing prosperity and positive change. This ripple effect transforms not only their own lives but also those of their entire family and community.
Strong’s recent $5,000 donation went to directly support this program – with tangible results. The funding has been used to help build a classroom at the Joy School, fostering an environment where education can flourish. Better yet, Strong’s donation has inspired others to match the pledge, demonstrating the power of collective action in creating lasting change. The organization recently reached its goal of $5,000 in matched donations.
Hope for Kenya relies not only on individual child sponsorships but also on the support of businesses like Strong. By understanding the behind-the-scenes challenges and the need for infrastructure improvements, Strong has made a significant impact. While sponsoring individual children is essential, supporting the backbone of the organization enables Hope for Kenya to continue its crucial work effectively.
Looking ahead, Hope for Kenya has ambitious goals. They aim to complete the Joy School up to the high school level, expanding their services to include 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. By guiding these students through their delicate teenage years, the organization can provide stability and prevent them from returning to a life of poverty.
We encourage you to visit Hope For Kenya’s Facebook page and Instagram account to learn more about their incredible work. You can also find additional information on their website.