Compiled by Kelsey Stamps and Rebekah Cook
With fresh faces popping up regularly, it can be hard to keep track of everyone new at Strong Automotive Merchandising. Luckily, the Account Team put together a Q&A to help the agency get to know their newest team members a little better.
I recently graduated from UAB in December of 2016. I was born and raised in Birmingham – Vestavia Hills specifically. I have a large, Italian family and they’re everything to me. We love to eat, drink and talk at a high volume. I’m also a sports
junkie, and I would choose a football or basketball game over a concert ten times out of ten (However, I’m also a concert junkie). Dabo Swinney is my second cousin, and consequently I’m a huge Clemson football fan. My father has spent his entire career working in advertising, and I’m looking forward to doing the same, even though I used to intentionally pursue different interests to avoid “following in his footsteps.” I’m extremely social, and I believe you can never have too many friends. I am really looking forward to getting to know all of my new, fellow Strong employees!
You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?
-I think if I was going to be a new addition to the crayon box, I would be “Not So Manly Pink.” I’m picturing a very bright, very flamboyant, almost ugly pink. Pink has always been my favorite color, and I’ve caught quite a bit of grief for it over the years. So this would be me owning my favorite color, and rejecting any false masculinity that is often associated with men who wear pink.
What’s your favorite ’90s jam?
–It’s hard to pick one, because 90s hip-hop is my favorite genre ever. If I had to choose my #1 favorite song, I would go with “Politics As Usual” by Jay-Z. Before he was known as “Beyoncé’s Rapper Husband”…
What were you like in high school?
-In high school, I was very much into video games, skateboarding, overpriced food and dramatic relationships. I got pretty good at skateboarding there for a minute. I had a very interesting selection of clothes and shoes in my closet. Some of my friends were very artistically-gifted, some were class clowns (like myself) and some were on the football team. I sort of hopped around and found a few friends from each “walk of life,” which is very entertaining to do at Vestavia Hills High School. I’m very thankful that I didn’t peak in high school.
A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here?
-The penguin walks in, and with a very thick British accent he says, “I’m looking for a Mr. Chandler, a Mr. Peyton Chandler to be precise.” I gesture to him that I am in fact Peyton Chandler. He nods and says, “Ah yes. This way please.” He walks out, and I follow him. That’s it.
I’m Heather. Here are a few of my favorite things: traveling, trying new foods, and riding
roller coasters. Growing up all over the country and being fortunate enough to have traveled (some) of the world, my parents have always inspired me to be fearless and experience all that life has to offer. I have been described as spontaneous, full of life and willing to try anything once (unless it is illegal, then count me out). This is my very first job and I am very #thankful and #blessed to be here!
Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer?
-Hunter – the chase is the best part
You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?
-A pale, light blue – think white with the slightest tint of baby blue. Since it is almost white, it goes with everything and brightens things up. However, the slight tint of blue makes it unique and eye catching.
What was the last gift you gave someone?
-I gave my Mom a video wishing her Happy Birthday that I made in the studio during Employee Appreciation Month
What’s the last thing you watched on TV and why did you choose to watch it?
-Netflix – Chef’s Table. That show is a perfect combination of my two passions – food and travel.
I am from Hamilton, AL (small town in Northwest Alabama). I went to U of A
and graduated with a Public Relations & Communications Degree in 2013. A few random things about myself to spice this up: I am wildly competitive, I have met Dr. Phil (not for personal reasons) and Kirk Herbstreit, and I watched Jurassic Park every day for a year when I was five.
You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?
-Lavender, just real chill but a crowd favorite
What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
-Honestly, sometimes I blackout when I am driving, and I’ll end up at home and wonder how the heck I got there; because I do not remember turning or stopping at red lights. I am an excellent driver though.
What’s your favorite ’90s jam?
What was the last gift you gave someone?
-I actually gave my boyfriend glasses that help correct colorblindness. Go watch the videos online, they will make you cry.